Greetings brothers and sisters
With the ongoing spread of the covid-19 virus we find ourselves in unfamiliar and trying times. Our authorities are acting to protect us and we should be faithful to God’s command to pray for them throughout this time (1 Timothy 2:1-2).
While our situation changes around us God’s call to us remains the same: Love Him, love our neighbours and make disciples. If anything, we are being given more opportunities to do these and I pray that they will be bought into sharp focus for us all during this time. May we have eyes to see where Jesus is calling us to bring His good news.
St Andrews will continue to run Sunday services for the moment, but will monitor the situation closely. If it seems unwise we will stop the services and turn to other options such as meeting in small groups and having an online service.
Can I ask a few things of you?
1. If you are at all unwell or particularly susceptible throughout this time that you act wisely and keep your distance.
2. If we don’t have your contact details can you please phone or email us with them.
3. Join the St Andrews Facebook group, as it is an easy way for us all to communicate.
4. Watch the St Andrews website for info. This is where news will likely appear first.
If you have any questions we are only an email away. If you or someone you know would benefit from a visit or prayer, please let us know. Isolation need not mean abandonment.
Brothers and sisters, you are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). Let your light shine brightly.
In Christ,
Pastor Mike